The Déconfinement Diary
Quarks and gluons moving excitedly
The reason I temporarily abandoned this writing is because I don’t know what to call it. Slight-Easing-of-Restrictions notebook? Not-exactly-back-to-normal life in rural France? Déconfinement diary?
Anyway, moving on while I think about it...
I’m hugely grumpy today as slept v badly. Woken at 4am by god knows what. Again at 5 by fucking dawn chorus. And finally at 6 by something or things large, heavy, and possibly hairy skipping light fandangos and turning cartwheels across the floor above my head. I’m shutting the cats up there until it or they go away.
My currently-stuck-in-Australia-but-soon-to-be-with-me-sort-of-daughter-in-law has a wonderful saying: DILLIGAF...or Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck? You can apply it to most situations (except lack of sleep). It’s best said slightly provocatively, hands on hips, head at an angle, chin jutting, eyes narrowed, maybe facing a wild tiger. Speaking of which, has anyone watched Tiger King? Don’t. It’s mad. And the people in it are horribly, loathsomely, seriously mad.
The Déconfinement Diary gets my vote. (Apparently, in English, it means the phase when quarks and gluons are free to move excitedly. Or something to that effect. Therefore entirely appropriate.)