Tic removal

Fat cat back (www.zandrascreations.com)

Fat cat back (www.zandrascreations.com)

Earlier that day, A said one of the cats had a tic on its chin and could I help him remove it.

Tic removals are a two-person job. Super-alpha-female-black-cat-Miss Monkey, Mr Monkey’s predecessor, would take your arm off. With ease. For starters.

That evening, i was preparing to cook a fish for supper. A said: “How will you do it?” I replied: “Oh, the usual way.” He asked: “What’s the usual way?” I said, “You know, rubbing it with garlic and lemon.” He looked at me grumpily and said: “We’ve never done it like that before!” And I said crossly, “What do you mean? We always do it like that.”

There was a silence.

He picked up the cat.


Dancing classes…


A sect or not is the question