


So. I tried to fly this week. Not literally, you understand. But courtesy (harhar) of the web’s favourite airline NOT.

I got to the airport to discover there was no flight at the appointed hour, no one knew why or cared, no one had thought to let me know, no one knew who to call or what to do, no one actually gave a flying fuck about anything. At which point I raised my voice. And the orange lady in charge of fuck-all told me to back off as I was being threatening. I’m glad she noticed as I fear half the effect is lost behind a mask. Anyway, a manager was called, who turned out to be a halfway decent human being.

All this to say, I had to rebook a flight at vast expense and for the next day at EIGHT IN THE SODDING MORNING and with little hope of getting any money back.

I’ve been trying, and failing, to feel sorry for the orange lady as she’ll probably be out of a job soon. Although I probably paid her salary for three days, which rankles.




The pooped-on song