Two husbands, one daughter…….…and me. (Photo taken by the-person-formerly-known-as-Ez)
We lived in London briefly after we got married.
Mr McG played lots of tennis in those days. And all his old (and my new) friends played lots of tennis. And by lots, i mean LOTS. Like every-sodding-weekend-and-most-summer-evenings lots.
I thought I’d better learn to play.
I took tennis lessons every week for a whole year. At the end of which I still couldn’t hit a ball. In fact, reflecting back, the only time I really connected with the ball was when I was stupendously hungover one morning.
I took up knitting instead. My husbands (yes, plural) always knew this was a VERY bad sign. It meant I was seriously considering divorce.
Mr McG cut down on his tennis.
I stopped knitting.