It’s the big one

A holding picture

A holding picture

Unlocked in rural France...Third-Trip-Abroad-in-a-Week Day

OK, so the two earlier sorties into Switzerland were part of the lead-up to the big one: a trip to the hairdresser...

Now, I have had many lovely comments on my new FB profile photo saying, in particular, DON’T change your hair it’s perfect blablabla. BUT two sparrows HAD tried to nest in it (see First trip abroad) and this photographer IS coming end-May-ish (see It’s Tuesday…I think), and I’m doing my bit to support the Swiss economy etc etc. Long story short, it’s a fucking disaster. That is all I’m going to say on the subject. And if you think you’re going to see a photo you can think again. And it’s only because I have these effing photos being done, which probably wont happen now anyway because the forecast is stormy.

Which is how I feel right this minute.

This too will pass.

PS I’m self-isolating for a further two months


The hair-reveal day


Second trip abroad