Of mice and women

“You never oughta drink water when it ain't runnin'.”

“You never oughta drink water when it ain't runnin'.”

Had a bit of an adventure yesterday…

I was at my desk when I heard loud squeaking nearby.

I went and stood in the corridor. It stopped. I sat down again. It restarted.

I tried to ignore it. It was persistent.

I thought: I should really deal with this before SODIL (my sort-of-daughter-in-law) finds it. SODIL doesn’t do mice.

I spent an age trying to pinpoint its whereabouts. Alpha-male-cat Mr Monkey helped.

I crawled around on my hands and knees, looking under furniture. Mr Monkey purred loudly in my ear.

SODIL came out of her bedroom and asked what i was doing. Reluctantly, I told her. She looked at me. She said: it’s the smoke alarm battery above your head. It needs to be replaced.

I went back into my office.




An ass by any other name