Mysterious Mr Mouse
A MOUSE?? Moi?? (
I recently opened for business as a B&B (…might as well plug it).
A charming couple of Belgians came to stay for a week. The first morning, I was helping clear their breakfast when I noticed what looked like a large mouse on the dining room table. Large and possibly dead.
I peered more closely. Yes, it was definitely a large mouse and definitely dead.
How extraordinary. It can’t have been there long as S, my sort-of-daughter-in-law, would have seen it. And surely the Belgians would have mentioned it?
I called S and we both scrutinised it. Without a doubt it was a large dead mouse. But how had it got there? And when? And why had we not noticed it? We were mortified.
The Belgians came downstairs on their way out for the day. I said apologetically: “Was there a mouse on the dining room table when you had breakfast?”
They thought for a moment: “Yes.”
And that was it really. Although I did interrogate the cats. They denied it en bloc but I suspect Mr Monkey.
The Belgians gave us a glowing review... Which just goes to show.