Pull the udder one!
My sort-of-daughter-in-law, SODIL, said à propos of nothing recently : “Of course ambergris comes from whales.”
“Wales?” I repeated.
“Really? Are you sure??”
“Gosh i never knew that. Wales! How extraordinary. I thought it was made from wh…….”
At which point the penny dropped.
Cue hysterical laughter.
(You had to be there.)
We had another collapse in communication during a visit to the local agricultural fair — a big deal in these parts.
It was a lovely sunny day and we wandered around the various stalls and cow beauty pageants.
At some point I became aware of the local radio host interviewing folk nearby and that this was being relayed to the fair’s sound system.
SODIL nudged me: “Go over and talk.”
”NO,” I responded, “no way.”
“Oh you must,” she insisted. “It’ll be embarrassing if you don’t.”
“What? Really??”
I couldn’t in any way imagine why it would be embarrassing…but if SODIL thought I should, I’d better go and do it. You don’t argue with SODIL. (Much)
I cleared my throat, pinned on my best commercial smile and started to make my way over, nerves aflutter, mind racing for suitable topics.
SODIL hissed: “Where are you going?” I turned around hoping for a last-minute reprieve…and found her pointing in the opposite direction, where Malou, our jam supplier (for the B of our B&B), stood expectantly.
Cue more hysterical laughter.
(You probably had to be there too.)
SODIL and I get on well.