My sort-of-daughter-in-law

She’s STILL here…!!

She’s STILL here…!!

My sort-of-daughter-in-law, SODIL for short, is here to help me set up as a BnB. She arrived with two giant suitcases and a massive rucksack.*

I haven’t dared ask her how long she intends to stay but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were at least until Xmas.**

We were invited out to lunch today. Our hosts were ultra covid-cautious so we were not allowed to lift a finger. Bonus. Then once home, Sodil declared she’d eaten too much and had to keep moving. So I see her now, from my vantage point by the pool, armed with duster, dustpan and brush, working her way through the ground floor. This is good. This is very good.

*She has since confessed to smuggling in a third suitcase, a second rucksack, FIVE cloth bags and a handbag the size of a walrus. She CLAIMS it’s because winter boots take up so much luggage space. Hm.

**She let slip this evening that she’d had to leave her hammock behind in London and had just been thinking it’d be nice to have here NEXT SUMMER.


The wee granny


Dancing classes…