Equine guests arrive
Kaloun and Calà waiting to blow nostrils
Big bastard eyeing up my greens
Lockdown in rural France... The-end-is-nigh-minus-6
One of the most exciting things to have happened in 8 weeks, second only to being able to restock on Cointreau, was the arrival of two equine guests. On a field trip, harhar. They are Kaloun the bay and Calà the gray and they are to live here until they’ve eaten all the grass and excreted it the other end.
My mother used to make friends with horses by blowing up their nostrils. I’ve tried and Calà certainly looks interested. Although she may just be thinking WTF. It’s hard to tell. I hope my pet tree doesn’t get jealous.
It has finally rained. Snails the size of panthers are stalking my lettuce. I put up a warning sign but to little effect. More drastic action may soon be required.
I reckon I’ve become institutionalised after all these weeks at home. The thought of making any changes to my current lifestyle fills me with fatigue. I’m reasonably happy with my own company...and what’s not to like: I don’t answer back, there are few disagreements over what to watch or listen to, and I generally go along with the dinner plan.
Bon courage everyone!