Equine guests arrive
Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray

Equine guests arrive

One of the most exciting things to have happened in 8 weeks was the arrival of two equine guests…

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Social experiment
Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray

Social experiment

My social experiment in not doing any housework is proceeding well.

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The second month
Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray

The second month

Sometimes i think i could get along quite well without Mr Monkey (cat) (alpha) in my life.

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True confessions
Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray

True confessions

I actually cheat a little on my daily run round the woods…

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Day 16
Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray

Day 16

Lockdown in rural France...Day 16 or thereabouts

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Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray


I’ve started shouting at the telly…

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At War
Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray

At War

I’m engaged in a spot of psychological warfare with one of my cats…

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