The cucumber tale
Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray

The cucumber tale

A told me what sounded like a VERY tall story VERY early on in our relationship…

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No plagiarism
Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray

No plagiarism

The three sub-teens have written, directed and starred in their own ten-minute film…

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The squirrel story
Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray

The squirrel story

My husband once found a half-dead infant squirrel on the forest floor…

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Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray


The girls’ bestie arrived for a ten-day stay…

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Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray


Strangely, he reminds me of my husband…

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Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray


Three ten-year-old girls joined our two for the afternoon…

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Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray


So. I tried to fly this week. Not literally, you understand…

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Pinch, punch
Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray

Pinch, punch

They came for two weeks…and it’s now been a month…

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It’s the big one
Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray

It’s the big one

The two earlier sorties into Switzerland were part of the lead-up to the big one…

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First trip abroad
Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray

First trip abroad

I drove into Switzerland yesterday, armed with a thick file of documents to justify my existence…

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It’s Tuesday… I think
Zandra McGillivray Zandra McGillivray

It’s Tuesday… I think

Went to have my winter tyres replaced with summer ones. It generally snows a blizzard after I’ve done this…

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